Novi Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services is seeking volunteers to serve on the Cultural Arts Advisory Board or Older Adult Services Advisory Board.
The Cultural Arts Advisory Board (CAAB) is a citizen board made up of five members, and is charged with identifying and serving the cultural needs of Novi’s residents, assisting with criteria, jurying, and promotion of public art, art acquisition, and curating art at Fuerst Park, Villa Barr Art Park, and other locations, and making those recommendations to PRCS. The advisory board meets bimonthly on the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm.
Older Adult Advisory Board members are tasked with providing input regarding new, innovative programming, social services, and attracting the “baby boomer” generation. Additionally, board members contribute to the completion of 2018-2022 Older Adult Strategic Plan strategies, assist the Library with strategic plan items pertaining to older adults, contribute to the financial support of the department by securing leads for program sponsors and the transportation advertising program, developing connections and partnerships through advocacy to promote community involvement by older adults, assist with the PRCS and Villa Barr art park strategic plans, and more. The Novi Older Adult Services Advisory Board meets bimonthly on the 3rd Tuesday at 6pm.
For additional information, visit, call
248.347.0400 or email